Saturday, March 31, 2007

Postcard for Mel's Birthday

I just finished my newest postcard creation. It's called Red Hat Birthday. Mel's B/D is this month, & she's a red-hatter. She's a member of my postcard group, so it's for the group swap.
This is also my entry for the Fast Friday Fabric Challenge it's a 2fer. This month's challenge was to use materials that you had never worked with before, & create an art piece. Since I'm such a newbie, & that list is way long...I decided to sew on beads (instead of gluing) & add fun fur to the edge. I've never couched fiber, or sewn beads, so I met the to practice. At least I'm over being afraid to try it now. Hope she likes her card!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Valentine Postcard Swap

More for my collection! I haven't figured out how to load the pic, write about it, & load another pic, so the top card was made by Mel, the 2nd by Sharon, & the 3rd by Kathyoz.
They are all so wonderful!

Valentine swap from DJ

This card was made by DJ. Look at all the detail...just gorgeous!

Lucky Charms Postcard Swap

For the month of March, our postcard group did a postcard lotto. We were to pick a theme based on something that had brought us luck, in honor of St. Patrick's Day.
The postcard, "Motherhood" was my entry. This is a whole-cloth postcard, with machine stiching embellishments, handwork with floss, & other fibers, & paints to bring out the details.
The winner of the "lotto" was Lynne. I hope she enjoys this card, as it has very personal meaning to me.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Valentine Postcard from Barb

This card was sent to me from Barb C., for our group swap. I love the way she grouped the hearts. They are machine appliqued with a blind stitch, & they have hot-fix crystals on them. Don't you just love the fun fur on the edges?

Valentine Postcard from Agnes

I received this on our group postcard swap from Aggie. She lives in France. It is made from cardstock. My middle daughter is in her second year of French, so she had to translate part of the card for me. Isn't it great?

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Postcard Swap Spring 2007

Welcome Spring!
Well spring isn't here just yet, but it was the theme for a postcard swap that a member of the stashbuster list just hosted. This card was made by Lynne, who is also a member of my postcard group. Don't you just love these dafodils? She put some glitter on some of the centers, but the pic doesn't show it well. Thanks again Lynne!

Another Birthday Postcard

Here is another quilted postcard that I received for my birthday!
This one is from Lynne. She is another member of my postcard group. Isn't my "SPRING Pig" so cute??? Now how are they finding out about my pig collection? Someone must be spilling the beans......I just love him! Thanks again Lynne!